Why Geophysics?
Is there a way to more quickly define the extent of groundwater impacts? What means can help determine proper placement of production, injection, or monitoring wells? Can we more quickly understand karst conditions or depth to rock at our site? - Geophysics can often help answer these questions and many times provide a less expensive alternative to traditional methods.

Geophysical data collection is often complementary to geologic and hydrogeologic investigations and can provide a cost-effective strategy for subsurface characterization. Geophysical methods often collect vast amounts of data - covering large areas and can image the subsurface to depths between 50 and 300 feet. This voluminous data can be collected in shorter spans of time compared to traditional and more invasive field investigation methods, offering the ability to reduce the scope of more costly, traditional field investigation methods while achieving the same standard of characterization. Nova has experience leading borehole and surface based geophysical investigation programs for the following purposes:
Karst Evaluation
Top of Rock Mapping and Rippability Analyses
Stratigraphic and Mineral Resource Evaluation
Detection of Preferential Groundwater Flow Paths through Fractured Rock Aquifers
Contaminate Plume Imaging
Identification of Point Source Leaks
Geologic Bedding and Structure
Identification of Low-Flow/Discrete Fracture Flow Groundwater Systems
Siting of Monitoring Well Networks and Injection/Extraction Wells
Guiding HDD Pipelines
Geologic Hazards Analyses.
For a more complete list of services, click the link below.
Geophysical Methods
Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI)
Electromagnetic Survey (EM)
Seismic Refraction
Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
Hydrophysics Logging Suite: Gamma, Caliper, Fluid Resistivity, Fluid Conductivity, Optical and Acoustic Televiewer, Heat-Pulse Flowmeter
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).