Groundwater resources are some of the most vital and important resources on Earth. The protection, remediation, and properly planned development of these resources involves significant hydrogeologic characterization. Nova has significant experience conducting hydrogeologic evaluations for water supply, monitoring/remediation, and dewatering support projects. Our skills in geophysics and traditional geologic methods are often valuable to these types of projects.
Hydrogeological evaluations and investigations are central to many projects. Hydrogeological evaluations can generally be broken down into 3 primary groups: (1) groundwater resource evaluation/protection, (2) dewatering/water management, and (3) groundwater quality monitoring/remediation. Nova has significant experience performing hydrogeological characterizations and conceptual site models using a combination geologic, geophysical, and hydrogeological investigation techniques. Investigations have encompassed a wide variety of hydrogeological environments ranging from karst to fractured rock to alluvial/fluvial lithologies.
Staff at Nova have experience performing:
Boring/Well Installations
Aquifer Testing
Hydrophysics Logging Suite: Gamma, Caliper, Fluid Resistivity, Fluid Conductivity, Optical and Acoustic Televiewer, Heat-Pulse Flowmeter
Hydrogeological Conceptual Site Models
Point Source Evaluation and Plume Delineation
Siting of Monitoring Well Networks and Injection/Extraction Wells
Alternate Source Demonstrations and Geogenic Studies
Compliance Reporting and Groundwater Statistics.
For a more complete list of services, click the link below.
Hydrogeologic Factors
Anisotropy of Layers
Presence of Confining Layers
GW Flow Properties through Layers
Connections amongst Flow Systems
Hydraulic Gradient and Flow Directions
Groundwater Seasonality and Changes
Recharge and Discharge Zones
Natural Geologic Sources of "Contaminants"
Influence of Geologic Media on Contaminant Behavior
Isotopic tracers and Geochemical Fingerprinting.